Joseph Rutherford to [Hannah Rutherford]

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Washington D.C.Feb 10th 1865My dear Wife,

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I arrived here on Wednesday evening. Had no difficulty except getting along very slow.

I found George all right. Yesterday I had a long interview with Gov Smith and Mr Baxter together. I told the Gov that I thought myself shamefully treated, and that there was every evidence of somebody playing false, and Baxter coincided with me, and said that great injustice had been done me, and the matter must be corrected. This conversation took place in the house of Rep and I can tell you that things were called by their right names, George had

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received a letter from the Gov before I got here, and he told him that the vacancy in the 9th was filled in Oct, which Dr Thayer told me it was in Nov. I told the Gov of this discrepency in their statements and asked him how he could explain it. He said he was not able to do so, and thought I had good reason to suspect something wrong. But stated upon his honor that he had no complicity in the matter, and make it his first duty to assertain the facts in the case.

Baxter talked to him as plain as I did. We finally closed the interview by the Gov pledging himself to give me the first vacancy at all hazards I told him as I did Dr Thayer

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that I did not ask this as a favor but considered it my due. He said after such a record as I could show he should be proud to reward me to the uttermost of his power.

George has not got done with him yet he feel highly indignant about the way I have been treated. George and I called on Mr & Mrs Baxter last evening and had a very pleasant time. They think every thing of George.

I had the pleasure of escorting Miss, Mc.Duffer (the lost one) from Newport to N.Y. I found her a very agreeable companion She had a great to say about her Aunt Hannah &c &c in connection with your-self. I start for City Point to day.

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George has got himself a hand Printing press. He and I sat up till 12 oclock last night printing one thing and another among other things some envelopes a specimen this letters will be enclosed in.

It is very cold here, no other news I am very well.

Love to all and God bless you all.

Your affectionate husbandJ.C. Rutherford

