Joseph Rutherford to [Hannah Rutherford]

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Georgetown Hights D.C.July 24th 1864My dear Wife.

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I have just received your letter dated the 20th. It is the first letter I have received from home for a long time, that is it seems a long time to me, and I have had no chance to write to you since I left Washington some 10 days ago, and, such a time as we have had since that no one can describe We have been on the march all the time and done some fighting most every day. We have been following up those raiders. When we left here we went to Poolsville, from there to Lusbury then to Western Virginia most to Winchester. There we [] our steps and arrived here last evening, and we are all completely worn out. Tomorrow we expect to start again for Petersburg, and I do heartily wish I was at home in the comfortable bosom of my family.

We have been victorious in all our actions and feel in execelent spirits, but that relieve our

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aching bones. Such dangers as I have passed through, I never want to experience again. What is very singular I have always feared capture more than shot or shell. I cant account for it.

I have been here nearly 24 hours and have not seen George yet. I think he does not know I am here. As I expected leave to go to the City I did not let him know I was so near here, or he would have been up before now.

It does my heart good to learn that you are all well. It certainly makes my cares and burdens very much lighter. I am all alone with the regiment and have been since the middle of June, which makes my labours rather hard. I have lost but one day since we came out the 4th of May, that was last week. I had a very sever attack of dysentry, and have not fully recovered from it yet, but attend to my duties every day. I should dislike to be so sick that I could not do duty as our boys depend upon me.

Dr Baxter (J.d) called to see me to day and I had a very pleasent visit with him

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The mail boy has come after the letters so I will close this, and write again before we leave here.

Love to the children and God bless you all.

Yours EverJ.C. Rutherford

