Joseph Rutherford to [Hannah Rutherford]

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Camp among the Pines near Culpepper VaApr 19th 1864My dear Wife,

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I was disappointed in not getting a letter from home this evening. By what you wrote in your last letter I have some uneasy fears that you are sick. God grant that you may be spared from having that very painful disease the Rheumatism. I hope my fears are unfounded.

I sent you some money (twenty dollars (20$) and now I send you 150$. After paying my [] bill &c this all I have left except 15$ for necessary expenses on marches &c. The whole will make 170$ I have sent you. I wish I had more to send but this was all I could get at the payment. I have now nearly 200$ due me and how much good it would do in and you if we could have it at this time. But never received it will be good when we do get it. While cant be [] should be []

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You will see by the heading of this that we have not moved yet. But the time is fast drawing near when we shall be on the move. Some times I feel that I did not care how soon we were on the move, as then it would look like their was something was going to be done, and this war brought to a close, so I can go to those I love, go to my family, and then remain in its loving embrace. Sometimes I feel that if was not for seeing us a home I would have any how. Not that I am particularly sick of the service but I "want to go home".

How does my little Kittie get along? Poor little thing how sorry I feel for her, that she should suffer so with her cough. I have not had a letter from Helen for a number of days. Tell her that I look anxiously for letters from her and I cant do without them now. I read them with a great deal of interest and satisfaction and shall feel lost without them, as their

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always make me feel happier, and they lighten my toils and cares more than words can express. If you see the many lonely hours that I have to endure, for one cant read or write all the time, you could better appreciate the value of your good and cheerful letters. It almost serves as though I was really listening to your voices. I am enjoying one of my lonely fits tonight. I feel well enough in health and I have nothing to trouble me, but I cant shake off their dulness and low spirits. No doubt I shall feel more cheerful tomorrow.

I have not smoked any since I left home what do you think of that? I think I ahve done bravely for me. I send in this a peach blossom, also a picture of Lt Tabor.

You must direct your letters to me now thus, 10th Vt Vols 1st Brig 3d Div 6th Corps. The blue cross is the badge of our (3d) division. I guess you have not had so hashed up a little [] me for some time, but I hope it will

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be now the less acceptible. I had a little from George a day or two ago, letting me he had lost his beautiful horse, and he was a beauty too. He up and died of a sudden.

I saw an article in a New Orleans paper stating that Friend had been in 8 different battles, and that the Gov of Illinois has ordered that the names of there battles be inscribed on his battle flag. It also stated that when his regiment had been from home 8 months. Friend had been under fire 61 days. That this something to be proud of, and shows that there is gallantry and bravery in some numbers of the family at least.

Remember me to our dear and precious children and kiss them all for. Tell Kittie that papa sends her hiss in particular because she a sick little girl. And how I long to press you to my heart of hearts in one long embrace. I can only do it in my dreams, which is some consolation.

Your affectionate husbandJ.C. Rutherford

