Joseph Rutherford to [Hannah Rutherford]

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Camp near Warrenton VaNov 5th 1863My dear Wife,

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I have just received your letter of the 1st and hasten to reply - as I do not know if I shall have a chance again for some days, as we are under marching orders. I am glad you enjoyed yourself so well with your trip on the R.R. I have not the slightest doubts of your enemy - and your want shall be supplies as fast as I can get the means to do so.

I shall have to have some shirts this winter and I think they can be made at home and sent to me cheaper than I can buy them here. If you think of making me some let me know as I may give you some directions about them.

As to the letting of the land you must do as you think best, but let it on such conditions that it shall not become im-poverished, but improved. I think you

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would do well to see Dr Cowles and settle up with him.

The [        ] in business and growth of Newport is no disadvantage to us, as it will [        ] the value of what little property we have there.

Why is not Sargent with his regiment?

Remember me to him and his wife. I should like very much to sit a while by your cozy fire and enjoy the com-forts of home or more. I can tell you that a soldiers life is no holy day affair but one of work and hardships. Yet it is the duty of every reason, a duty he owes to his country and those he loves at home to [    ] on his [     ] and battle for those loved ones. A man that would not fight for the pursuit and future happiness of his dear wife and children whether it be for country or honor is a cravan and a rascal. The question may be asked how can a

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man deprive his family of his presence and endanger that life upon they are depending for support and counsel?

The question can be answered by asking how can a man stand by be and see all that makes that counsel and sup-port of any use to those dear ones at home torn from them, and they perhaps made slaves to petty tyrants? A man who is too mean to fight for country & home is too mean to even have a country or a home. He is too contemptable for pity even. I get too excited when I think of these things to write decently. There the little jewels had good time with their visit, will let them enjoy all they can. A gleam of joy to there is doubled in over own hearts, and a pang to their little souls is agony to us. Look out that they do not expose themselves to dangers. I cant tell you any thing about coming

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home this fall or winter, but shall if I can. You do not know how much I do want to see you all, and I shant miss any chance to get home on a visit.

I shall send some stockings this winter and if you send me some things you can send me some. I have but one pair left good or bad, having worn and lost them. It is a great plan to loan things.

My dear I reach out my arms to embrace you and my soul goes out to you as oil [     ]from a vessel. I do feel the hug you gave me in thought and dearly to I cherish the rememberance of it. Give my blessings to our little darlings and may God bless and spare you all till my return to them, and you. My health continues good notwithstanding the sufferings I undergo with the cold nights.

I remain as Ever Your devoted husbandJ.C. Rutherford

