Joseph Rutherford to [Hannah Rutherford]

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Camp in the field near Culpepper VaOct 5th 1863My dear Wife:

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I have just recd your kind letter of the 1st inst and I must say your kind wishes fills my heart with joy. I do not feel the weight of years on me yet and I hope that it will be many years before I shall. It was as you supposed I did write to you on my birth day, and expressed some of the very sentiments that you have expressed in your letter.

I am glad that you can find some means of enjoyment. It was very kind in the Dr to take so much pains to give you a pleasure trip down the Lake, and I am glad that you enjoyed it so much. I think Mrs Carpenter is very firm woman, superior to him as a man

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your home picture is very graffic and carries me back to the first years of our married life. Then to see that little boy watch you in your labours. Wouldnt I like to see you doing the same. I have been thinking of having you make me some cotton flannels under shirts, and now as you are going to knit me some stockings, they can be all sent together, if I do not have a chance to go and get them. If you make them be sure and make them long enough so I shant have to bank up my ------- will no matter what to keep warm. I have not got a shirt that comes a low as my groins to say nothing of any thing else. I make the Christian Commission supply me with drawers, on the sly.

Our little Jacob has not a lazy bone in his body, and I have no

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objection to his doing such work in such a way, as it will make him learn the value of money. You speak so often of the smartness of Joseph that I am afraid that Jacob is falling into the shade of your partiality. They are both noble little fellows and must have undivided [    ] in our war, or rather equal shares in it You always thought I had a deeper affection for our little Kittie than for the others, but you was mistaken She is a different child from the others. A little neglect that the others would not mind would crush this little heart to [       ], therefore must be handled with a greater degree of tenderness but no more affection. Like a bed of flowers of different varieties, some must be cultivated with more care and and shielded more perpetually from

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the inclement blasts than others So with this little plant. Though the others have an equal share of your affection. The hopes of many a [     ] spirit has been crushed by a want of a knowledge of their natures.

I am not speaking of this want on your [     ], but [       ] to explain to you why I have to [    ] this little []. If you remember there was a strong [     ] of affection for her before she was born.

I received your letter stating the amount of money you had recd from me. Would you had as much if I had stated at home? It was hard earned but I got what I earned.

Remember me to all our dear children, and our friends, much love to yourself

Your affectionate husbandJ.C. Rutherford

I have just recd a letter from George, his wife has arrived in Washington.

