Joseph Rutherford to [Hannah Rutherford]

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Camp in the field near Culpepper VaSept 18th 1863My dear Wife:-

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You perhaps may be surprised to learn that we have moved, but it is a fact and here we are near the Rapidance with a line of battle over 10 miles long. We are the center of the line because we a the strongest. The left wing are having a skirmish just now we can hear the firing very distinctly and we may have it a little [    ] than we can to have it but we must take it as it comes. When we moved from the camp we had but 10 minutes notice and that just at night. We marched nearly all night, and started at 5 in the morning, and marched all day till 10 oclock that night. My poor horse never got a mouthful of any thing to eat for over 24 hours - reason we did not stop long enough for them to eat. Our men did not have a meal from 5 A.M till after 10 P.M. and march like the

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old [      ] all the time. This was on Wednesday that night we slept in the open air. We managed to get something for our horses and ourselves, so we got laid down about one oclock Thursday morning. We got up before day light and went to work again. We have been here now about 24 hours, it is now about 4 P.M. Dr Childe Col Henry and myself are going to see some deserters shot. 7 P.M. Went and didn't see any body shot. We have got our tents all up again and fixed for all the comfort that can be had under the circumstances, which aint any thing to brag of. We did not get paid off as I told you we were going to be cause why, we had to leave as I told you in the commencement of this letter before the Pay Master could reach us, but he is here now paying off the men to night. We shall get paid off tomorrow. You speak of the comforts of your new home God knows it gives me great comfort to know that you are taking comfort there. You richly deserve it, and I hope I may

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have the privalage of enjoying it with you when this war is ended. You speak of your side troubling you, and want to know what to do for it? Let it alone and do little or no hard work. Keep a girl to help you. You have done hard work enough for once. I can do all that is necessary for us both. I am the picture of health, and I can work with as much courage as any one if there is any chance of getting paid for it. So keep your girl.

It gives me great pleasure to learn that Helen takes so much interest in the duties of house keeping. I should liked to have been there and eat a piece of that cake you spoke of. If it had then the bitterest morsal that mortal ever tasted it would tasted sweet to me under such circumstances. It rained very hard all the A.M. and it has cleared off cold. Being on high land among the mountains of the blue ridge you can guess something how it must be.

If you want to know about where I am you look on the map, and find Culpepper

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then go west about 3 miles and you will have some idea of our locality. If it was not for the dissolating effects of Civil War, this would be one of the most lovely country in the world, but as it is, there is now looks more dissolate.

I had a letter from George just as we left the other camp. He is going to live in Wash-ington, has sent for his wife. He has got a permanent thing there, is commissioned by the President. The first chance he can get he is coming out to see me.

I have no more news to tell you now Remember me to our friends, and kiss all the children for me, and accept the ever lasting love of

Your affectionate
HusbandJ.C. Rutherford

