Joseph Rutherford to [Hannah Rutherford]

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Camp in the field near Sulphur SpringsVaSept 15th 1863My dear Wife:-

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I have just yours of the 11th inst. As usual it was received with pleasure. I am glad you have ceased to feel bad about my fare, for I have enough and to spare. I was chargrinned to learn that my dear daughter Helen wanted to go Hop-picking. She can never have my consent to do any thing of the sort, and when she reflects a moment she too will see the absurdity of the thing. This must be a short letter my dear wife for the drum is now beating to call to move at once. Where to I dont know Every thing so quick is all bustle, and so am I. I will write again just as soon as I get a chance. They are taking down my tent

So gd bye
Your EverJ.C. Rutherford

