Joseph Rutherford to [Hannah Rutherford]

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Camp in the field near Sulphur
Springs VaSept 14th 1863My dear Wife:-

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Yours of the 7th was received the 12th I am sorry that you let such reports (as the Vt troops going south) trouble you so. There is no likelyhood of any Vt troops leaving their present posts. Those that are in New York are ordered back to their old corps. The Army of the Potomac cannot afford to lose any of her troops. And then again if the other Vt troops were ordered away it would not follow that the 10th will have to go. My dear dont be troubled till you have a reason. As for luck we are called the "lucky 10th" and we certainly have been very lucky. Rest easy till there is good cause for anxiety. I have always told you the prospects of our Regt in every particular and shall continue to do so. Therefore believe nothing untill you hear it confirmed by me.

Those "little sesaches" made by yours are just as good as a letter, the little rat, how I do want to see him. As for that matter I want to see you all. It is rather natural that you should feel some anxiety about me when you see others brought home dead but you do

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yourself injustice to be over troubled about such things. To be sure I have no greater [        ] on life than many others, but while I am well and know how to take care of my health. I am not going to fret myself sick. Close up and take a look at the sunny side of the picture. You ask when this war will close? How many thousand times this question has been asked, and who has answered it? But our prospects never since the war command looked brighter victory follows close on the heels of victory, until we look for nothing else. We are not to have much more big fighting (this is my opinion) but there will be a Gaurilla warfare kept up for some time. It is a question about my coming home this fall. If I should not succeed in getting promoted I shall probably not come home for this reason the expense is too great. We want every dollar to pay for our little home, and I am willing to forgo all the pleasures of home for a time to secure a home for ourselves in the future. It is this hope that causes me to bear my hardships and privations with cheerfulness, and I think it should cheer us all. God ony knows how much I should like to be with you, and I could work myself into a sort of homesickness over it was I to indulge

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in such folly. Let me now get our home paid for then I shall feel different.

If Jacob wants to go to school this fall, let him go, that is, to the "high school". It would be better for him if he did not study a lessor, for this reason, he wil receive a higher notion of things, and become ambition by coming in contact with a higher grade of schoolers. But it would be well for him to have one or two studies, that he may feel he has a duty to perform and a responsibility resting upon him. Children like to feel that they are depended upon and that something of use, or importance is expected from them. Do not let the little fellows health be satisfied for any thing of this kind. I am glad that Helen has commenced going to school. I have great hopes of her and I think I shall not be disappointed. Give her every chance that you can consistantly. She is of that age now that she will need your constant care and vigilance, [    ] her to plan the uttermost confidence in you, and there will never by any fears of her going estray. God bless the dear girl. If she could only know how dearly her Father and Mother love her, how happy it would make her.

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Yesterday (Sunday) there was a fight a short distance from here, the result is not yet known at least we small fry dont know. This very minute Col Henry read to me an order to be ready to move at a moments notice, and the result of the action is not known at head quarters. I shall be glad when the orders to comes to move, as this life is very monotinous. We are to be paid off again tomorrow. I cant send as much money home this time as I did before as I must get me some new cloths, for I am ragged and nasty, and I have got very [    ] bills to pay, but you shall have every dollar that I can spare. How much money have I sent home the last year? let me know if you please as I have kept no account of it, and I ahve a anxiety to know. Give my love to Miss Frost and tell her that I feel grateful to her for the pains she has taken toward Helen, and remember me to all our friends. You ask me to write oftener, well I thought I did write often, but I will try & write at leasy every other day, though I shant have much to write, and I shall expect you to write as often if you can. Love to the children, and heaps of love for your dear self

I am as Every Your loving HusbandJ.C. Rutherford

I have just had another letter from George B - he is coming out tomorrow
They are parking up at Division Head quarters for a move. 9 P.M. If we move I will let you know tomorrow.
To have a mail here any day, and I look always for a letter from you and when I get one I usually answer it so that it goes out the same evening.
I am very must interested in the Newport News, it is quite a [      ] little paper. When the times is out, [         ] for it again. When I read it it seems as though I was talking with some one from home.

