Joseph Rutherford to [Hannah Rutherford]

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Camp in the field near Sulphur Springs VaAug 22d 1863My dear Wife:-

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As every that concerns me interests you I feel it my duty to inform you of an impor-tant thing concerning my future. What I am about to commuinicate to you I wish to be locked within your own heart. There are to be raised two new Regt in Vermont, and I am anxious for promotion but I have never said a word to a single individual about it. Night before last Dr Childe as we lay in our bunks talking over things in general he told me about these Regt and said that I ought to have one of them, and said he would write the Governor about it. Which he has done. I will send you a copy of the certificate to the Gov in my behalf I do it more to show you how I stand with the Regt. Do not think I am vain nor foolish, but I am proud of the esteem and respect shown me by my fellow officers. I may not succeed, but I shant lose any thing by trying. You may ask why Col Jewetts name is not with the rest, the Col is in Vermont on a sick leave. But I know just how he feels about

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my advancement, as we have often talked in private about it. He would do any thing for me

Camp in the field near Wanton VaAug 22d 1863To his Excy F. Holbrook, Gov Vermont

It gives me very great pleasure to express my esteem and respect for Doctor Joseph C. Rutherford Asst Surgeon of our regiment, and I sincerely hope that your Excy may find it consistant to appoint him Surgeon of one of the new Regt now being raised. We have now been assisted a year in the Medical Department of this Regt., and I say with truth that I consider the Doctor one of the very best medical officers I have ever met. To a thorough knowledge of his profession, he adds a remarkable aptitue for [        ] himself of whatever means may be at hand to make his patients comfortable. Now man that I have ever met can establish or fil up a Hospital more rapidly or better. This faculty renders him almost invaluable to any Hospital or Regt. with which he may be connected. He is uniformaly kind and gentle to his in his dealings with the sick, sparing no pains to make them comfortable. I consider him eminently worth of Promotion, knowing

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that if he receives it this Regt. under his charge will be faithfully and well cared for. While anxious that he should recieve a reward which I think he has earned. I shall exceedingly regret to lose his services, for I dont know when his place can be filled.

I have the honor to be very respectfully
Your Old ServtSigned Willard A. Childe
Surgeon 10th Vt Vols and
Surg in Chief 1st Reg. 3d Div 3d Army CorpsHed Qrts 10th Vt Vols Camp in the field near BaltonAug 22d 1863

I can cheerfully subscribe to all Dr Childe has written in regard to Dr Rutherford, and believes he deserves promotion for the faithful manner he has performed his duties for the last year.

Signed Wm. W Henry
Lieut Col Comy 10th Vt Vols

This is a [    ]copy of the artifacts and I think it is something to be proud of if I do not get the place. I would like to have you keep this for future reference If I get promotion I shall have a change to get

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home a few days. My health is good and able to stand this terrible heat. But I do want to see you all very much. I am glad you got the Check all right. I did leave myself short but I want that home paid for, and if I can get enough to eat I dont care much for the covering. Dont you plague yourself one night about my fare, if I cant feed myself why let me go.

Give my love to the children and accept worlds of love from

Your affectionate
HusbandJ.C. Rutherford

