Joseph Rutherford to [Hannah Rutherford]

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This is a full blown Pion and a Mullen Pink
I received the Paper.Camp HeintzelmanJune 21st 1863My dear Wife

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According to promise I write to you again. This has been an eventful day for us here on the river, and one full of excitement. Early this morning we heard firing in the direction of Ashbys gap, which is only about 14 miles in a direct line form us. The firing we slow and at short intervals until about 12, M, when it ceased, for what purpose of course we did not know, could only surmise. But about half past one it commenced again and apparintly nearer which made us feel a little down in the mouth, but after listening attentively for a while it was discovered that the apparent [        ] was caused by the Union forces having changed their Guns for some of a much larger size. At 2 oclock the firing was intense, one continued roar. At 3 oclock it began to be less distinct though none the less rapid, which

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fact made us feel quite cheerful for we were sure that our forces were driving the enemy, and a sundown nothing but the faint boom, of the cannon could be heard so much had our forces driven the devils. Since dark we have had a Telegrahm confining our [           ]. The Enemy has been most beautifully whiped today, and night in our [   ] blown hood. We have near us now our 20,000 troops.

I crossed over into Virginia today on a Pontoon bridge. It is 1407 feet in length.

When I was in Washington the other day I visited Campbells Hospital took dinner with Jed & Less Baxter and Frank Kelly and his wife. Frank and his wife are very pleasently situated. While there I got acquainted with Mrs Swisshelm, and had an hour very pleasent chat with her. She is about 45 years old & as homely as you could reasonably wish to see any one. She promised me that if we had a battle she would come out and help me. She is devoting her whole time night & day to the wounded soldiers. And so

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tender and kind is she to them that they all call her Mother, and well she deserves the application.

Your description of our little home may me feel a little homesick. I do want to see you very much and to see you in your own home would do a very great pleasure indeed. Some times my arms ache to clasp you in them, and my heart yearns to greet you. You and the children are seldom out of my mind. And the only draw back to the place I experiance when I receive the approbation for the faithful performace of my duties is that you are not here to share the pleasure with me and to see how well I deserve the praise that is given me. But I wont talk about those things for they must appear silly to you. Then Jacob thought I would like some of those greens? Well I should no mistake. But would not he like some of the nice cherries we are having here now? The country is full of them, and before a great while we shall have any quanties of blackberries.

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Tell Helen that I am going to collect a great variety of choice flower seeds for her. I have engaged them of the Miss Trundles.

June 23d. 9 oclock P.M. I have just received your letter of the 17th inst. How much I should like to be with you and see how our dear children enjoy themselves. It does my poor old heart good to know and think how you and the children must enjoy yourselves. I know that my presence would be a source of enjoyment to you all. Now dont let any thought of my hardships distract one particle from your home comforts. For the thought of your being troub-led in mind about my condition so far as my manner of living is concerned would would be an element of discomfort to me. Then Mr Coburn refuses to build his share of division [     ]. Tell him that he may do his part of it or suffer the consequences. No matter what I may have to his or himself the matter of a division cant be brought into the ring. If you have got the fence built have the Bates notify him that he must pay his share of the cost of the fence or suffer it to be collected by court of Law He must know that he cannot come any of his [       ] because he has got a woman to deal with. Perhaps he thinks because

