Joseph Rutherford to [Hannah Rutherford]

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Camp HeintzelmanJune 20th 1863My dear Wife,

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As you will see by the heading of this (that my ink is very bad) that we are still in the land of the living. We have had some awful scares

Call out night after night and sleep on our arms. Dont be alarmed we are [         ] our forces here.

You want some money. I send you $20.00 borrowed from a friend. I need not tell you to be economical for I had been on quarter as comfort as yourself we might have been sick. I do not know when we shall be paid off again.

I will answer your letter tomorrow (Sunday)

I am very well. A little nervous when there is a prospect of a fight but thank God I feel no disposition to shrink from my duties.

Yours EverJ.C. Rutherford

