Joseph Rutherford to [Hannah Rutherford]

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Camp HeintzelmanMay 31st 1863My dear Wife.

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I received your very kind and acceptable letter last evening, dated May 25th. It is a great relief to me to learn that my little boy is better. To have any of our children sick when I am at home is a source of anxiety enough, but to have them sick and be so far from them is a trial to my feelings indeed.

It is a great source of happiness to me that you are so well pleased with your new home. I am very anxious to know how the house looks and how you like the place of it, if it is going to be convien-ant &c&c. I wish I could be there and go into it with you. I know

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that we could be happy in it. I hope I may be spared to live in it. Dont fail to get me a picture of it. But what I want the most is a picture of yours. I dont know why you have not sent me one before.

I am glad you can find some sourses of injoyment. I dont doubt but you had a great time at Mr Hows.

I am getting along very smoothly with my duties and with the regiment. I had a very great compliment paid me a few nights since. A mounted band from Washington made our Brigade a visit last week, and the Major of the Cavelry regiment had them seranade some of our officers, and your

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humble servant among the numbers. Dr Childe and wife were the first complimented then myself next Col Henry and last Col Jewett. It was a mark of respect that I was not looking for, nor had any reason to expect, but I must say that it was highly gratifying. Perhaps you will think me silly to say anything about it, but you know that I was alway a little tender about such things, so you will excuse my weakness.

We are having very warm weather now. I dont pretend to do any thing in the after noon but sleep. I lay down after dinner and manage to sleep till 3 or 4 oclock, then I go to work and get round by 8 or 9 oclock.

Last night one of our men was shot through the right leg by

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one of our pickets, and I had to dress the wound. The fool run the line and would not halt when ordered to do so by the guard. All guards are order-ed to shoot any man that dont halt when chalanged. Today that sentinal has been promoted to a Corporal for doing his duty. I have a beautiful Boquet on my table whose fragrance pleaseth my nostrals. Every little while I find a new one placed on my table by some one of my Hospital boys. I tell you such little attentions are very pleasent. Helen will begin to think that I have forgotten her, but I have not. I intendid to have written a long letter to her today but it being our monthly inspec-tion I have not found time. The men and their quarters have to be inspected by the Surgeon to see that they are all clean.

