Joseph Rutherford to [Hannah Rutherford]

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Camp HeintzelmanApr 28th 1863My dear Wife

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I received yours of the 21st on Sunday evening and should have answered it so to go out in the yesterdays mail but Col Henry and Capt Frost came into my tent and staid till a late hour singing some of our choir [     ].

I never received a letter from you that gave me such fine satisfaction as this. To see how much you thought of my comfort made my poor heart swell with a stronger love than ever, and I hope I may be able to requite it some of the love manifested in this letter. I am a poor stick any how but I can appreciate the love you bear me.

You must not feel that I am

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suffering so terriably, for you must know that my ingenuity will do much for me in most any circumstances, and my po-sition gives me advantages that others could not have. I always have my hospital tents with me when even we go, and my hospital at-tendants will do any thing for me to make me comfortable. Dont you loose another nights sleep on this account. Always imagine that I am well provided for let what will come. We are a very [     ] regiment. Our camp now is one of the prettyest I ever saw, and we do really take comfort here. How long it may last I cant say but we are bound to enjoy it while we can. The county is beginning to look beautiful. The peach and apple trees are all in blossom and some wheat fields are beginning to head out.

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The Rebs are throwing up forti-fications just across the river from us, and we are intending to rip them up as soon as they get a little further along with them. We have here just behind my tent six canon that will throw a shot 4 miles, and I can tell you when they are fired off the earth trembles all around. I have seen them fired off 3 times in a minute so rapidly and they worked

For a wonder our Pay Master has come at last and we are to be paid off today (29th). I shall start for Washington tomorrow, and shall then express some money to you. I shall try and send you 400.00$ I have got to keep a little money to pay necessary expenses. My clothes are getting quite shabby but I shant get any more yet a while. If you have to borrow any money to make out

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the first payment on the house, get it to the 1st of July. Then I will let you have some more sooner if I can. I think I shall try and get some more pay the last of May. I shall have 2 months due me tomorrow besides what I shall get today.

Now I beg of you not to fret any more about my suffering, for as you see it turned out it was uselss. I can appreciate your anxiety but I do not like to have you borrow trouble needlessly. I received Helens good and long letter some time ago and will answer it soon.

Remember me with much kindness to Mrs Parker and others that may inquire. Give my love to the children and accept much for yourself. When you write again dont leave a whole page blank if you can help it.

loving HusbandJ. C. Rutherford

