Joseph Rutherford to [Hannah Rutherford]

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Whitesford MdJan 13th 1863My dear Wife

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I received your last letter informing me of the accident to little Kittie. I know it before [   ] a week before I received your letter. I saw her in her distress and oh! My God how I did feel. I told our Col that something had happened to my little girl, and when I got your letter I read him your account of it and it would have done your heart good to see how he sympathy he expressed for me. Why it is that I am told or informed of such things before at the time it occurs or about to occur God only knows. Last night I had Kittie in my arms again in great distress

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and how the little creature did nestle in my arms. I fear there is something more than common the matter with her.

Your advice about the treachery of there rebels is good and I shall listen to it, though I do not fear any thing from them.

I am going to try to get a leave of absense in a few days but it is very doubtful if I get one, a great many have been refused.

We have been paid part of our money. I shall send you now $200.00 (two hundred dollars) by express as it is the safest way. I am going to Baltimore on Thursday, and you will get it Monday probably. We are to be paid again in February.

John Moulture is at his Mothers, who lives at the cross

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roads there by Merrills on the road to the Center. I wish you could see him, he can tell you more than I can write of how I am getting along.

I am Acting Surgeon most of the time now, as our Surgeon is the Brigade Surgeon. There is more responsibility in my duties but not near as much labor.

Tell Helen I am very much pleased to leave of the improvements and tell her and the other children that I do want to see them very much. Kiss them all for me.

Why did you not use the surplus [     ] on Kittens burns?

Give my regards to all our friends.

Your Ever loving and
affectionate husbandJ. C. Rutherford
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Always direct your letters as you have done
Washington D. C.

