Joseph Rutherford to [Hannah Rutherford]

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Camp on the uper Potomac 4 miles from (south) of Edwards Ferry-.Sept 15th /62My dear wife -

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Why do I not hear from? I have waited with much patience, have you received my letters.

We are encamped in the most beautiful section that I ever saw. I am unable to describe it, simply it is magnificintly beautiful.

We are here on pickett duty now and you ought to me riding along the line on the bank of the river posting pickites and looking after the sick. Our line extends from Poolsville to within 28 miles of Washington. It is very exciting to be in the midst

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of an eniment country when it is almost worth your life to go outside the lines and when you can hear the clash of arms the heavy boom of the canon in the late battle. Yes the rattle of muskery can be distinctly heard. I can by going 100 rods from our camp see rebel pickets along the opposite bank of the river.

We have been upon the move ever since Sunday noon, until yesterday noon. I have not been out of the saddle only to rest at night, and just think of me spreading my blanket on the ground and laying down by the side of my house, and sleeping as sound as I ever did in my life

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and when I lay down I take off my coat and boots and socks and if it rains in the night it makes no [        ]. I have not taken the slightest cold ever I have been in the field, am growing fat just think of that. We are living in the open air without tents, and are as jolly as larks.

Old Port bog starts soon for Washington and I must close. Direct all your letters to Washington, no matter where I am. If I could but see you and the children for a few minutes I should start on my duties with a new zest. Kiss [     ] all for me. When we once get settled down again I will give you a full description of my experience.

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God keep you all and preserve as to [   ] again. I will write again the first chance.

Your loving HusbandJ. C. Rutherford

P.S. The Col just told me he had names this camp "Camp Briggs".

Our whole Regt is doing Picket duty - not a soldier in camp but those doing guard duty.

