Ransom W. Towle to Sebra Towle

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U.S.A. Gen. HospitalBrattleboro Vt.,Oct. 12th 1863 Dear Mother,

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Last night I went down Town and on returning to Hospital found a letter mailed at W. Rochester which proved to be from mother and was gladly recd news from home is always welcome to a Person among Strangers even if there is no news to write to hear the familiar expression of Friends and a mention of the little incidents that are transpiring at home are eagerly read by a Person away from Home. Laura seems fro her letters to be afraid of getting in useless lumber in her letters and of making them tedious but yours are more of that conversational tone which makes me almost feel as if I were at home. It does not require learned words or high sounding terms to make up an interesting letter but to sit down and write off just what we would say to a Friend is the essence of interesting correspondence. Last night we had the first frost of the Season here - quite cool but Today is warm and pleasant in fact we are having a fine fall. Chestnuts are quite plenty in these parts and the frost last night will start them from the trees. The Boys in the Hospital are getting Papers to go out Chestnuting. I am so confined that I cannot get away, if I could I would pick some and send Home. I am very pleasantly situated

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here the most that can be said of it. I am confined from 8 in the morning till 4 in the afternoon, it can hardly be called work. I stop in the Office of the Reception Room near the head Surgeon and Stewards Office and if a man is wanted for any purpose of work or an orderly they call on me and I detail a man from the Police force which I have the charge of. My health is comfortably good I do not have the Diarhea all of the time but just now and then by way of reminder of what I have had and may have again. Ed thinks it a little rough because he is not used to stinking meat and sour bread he wont mind it when he gets used to it our meat does not stink all of the time nor very often when it does it is owing to the negligence of the cooks we have just as good meat furnished us we could get at home Our bread is all sour - it is made so and made of the poorest kind of flour some of the time it is very poor at any time poor enough but we have a chance to buy milk for five cts. a qt. and apples for one cent apiece. I live pretty much on milk and apples. Henry Washburn left for Washington yesterday and I believe his wife goes home today he went of feeling quite cheerful, but I will stop for the present and write more next time

From your Soldier Boy Ransom W. Towle

