Ransom W. Towle to Friends

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Camp Lincoln beforeRichmondJune 26th 1862Dear Friends,

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I am short of funds and short of writing materials my letters necessarily grow scattering. There are no signs of an immediate General Engagement unless the Rebels begin it. This Battle of Richmond which so many are so anxiously looking for is and has been going on for a month and may be continued for two months to come. I think the Siege of Richmond will as it has thus far been carried on by Artillery No Day passes without more or less shelling. Our lines are being daily crowded upon the Enemy with a safety and caution

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very annoying to the Enemy they seem to have expected us to pitch headlong into their Rifle Pits and Masked Batteries. But Mc is not the man our Army is in good Spirits confident of Success while theirs theirs are becoming demoralized and Decimated by desertion two Deserters came into this Camp Today They say they are impressed men and natives of Mass They say there is much dissatisfaction in the Rebel army on account of forcibly retaining many Soldiers whose term of Enlistments have run out. Some of them say they are short fed others that they have plenty probably both stories are true. While some get enough others are short One Battery of 20 lb Parrot Guns Rifled came over the River yesterday and some old Buildings just to the right of our Camp to plant them Yesterday our lines on the left were advanced half a mile to get possession of a Bluff on which to plant a Battery, the ground was hotly contested but gained after severe fighting and heavy loss Cannonading was also kept up all Day loss I dont know the figures but heavy No day passes without more or less loss on both sides Last night about ten oclock there was an alarm which called us out under arms in line of Battle caused by a Dash of the Rebs on our Picquets but it only amounted to a little firing and in half an hour we turned in again Today all is quiet I may write less frequently from necessity unless something unusual occurs.

Ever the Same Ransom

