Ransom W. Towle to [Family and Friends]

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Camp in the Fieldnear RichmondJune 14th 1862

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No move of Camp since my last Probably you are looking at every paper anxious and impa tient to see when the Battle of Richmond is to take place The Battle is going on every Day and has been since the 31st of May but it is as much a warring with Brains as Steel and Genl McClellan accomplishes more by strategy and superior skill in planning than with the bayonet and bullet. The Battle of Richmond is daily and nightly going on by cautious and gradual advan ces from different points The Camp of the 4th & 5th Regiments are within 100 Rods of the Enemies outposts and nothing but the

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utmost vigilance on the part of our Sharpshooters prevents theirs from picking our men off. Yesterday one of their crack Shooters came out fired at a little crowd of us the ball coming from the front struck Sergt Bartholomew of our Co a little outside the left Groin passing through the hip and slightly wounding two others Sergt Bartholomews case is doubtful. Day before yesterday the Enemy succeeded in getting a battery of three guns in Range of us. Their first shell fell some five Rods short, the next a little nearer The third burst straight over our heads scattering fragments of Shell unpleasantly near but injuring no one. The next went screaming just over our heads and a little further on took off one mans arm and striking another in the breast cut him entirely in two by this time our Sharpshooters got within range of their battery and cleared one gun of every gunner driving off all the rest. Our Sharpshooters keep their Posts and in this way keep their Guns idle Matters may perhaps be of interest here Daily until the final issue. And if I can get paper I will write every day. Not that I can give you the News first but you may like to hear from us often in such times. Ballon reconnaissance must be an important Auxiliary to Mc. One may be seen up several times a Day when not too windy. Two are now in sight while I write, one in our Camp and one some three miles further up the Creek.


