Ransom W. Towle to [Family and Friends]

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Camp in the FieldNear Richmond,June 3rd, 1862

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Since I sealed my letter home this morning I recd one from you and Laura. The last I recd from you about the Money was that you did not want any more but would let it for me. I replied that as you did not want it yourself I would let it lay where it is. I dont know what you refer to in your last about the cowardice of Co. E’s Officers at Lees Mills. Before the fighting commenced about one third of Co. E including Lieut. Pingree and myself were sent to the extreme right of the right wing while the balance of the Co were left near

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the center of the front so that Lt. Pingree and myself were some half mile from the Brave and redoubtable Carr and being separated by a swamp and dense wood I dont think he would be just the Person to criticize Lieut Pingree or myself in the premises. Capt. Terry those under his command do say was rather Scarce during the fight. Lieut. Lillie was Detailed to Command another Co. Co. L. so that both Lieuts and myself were detailed from their portion of the Co. and when Capt Terry skulked Carr was next in command But I have yet to learn that Carr did more than was his reasonable duty. That Sergt. Richardson was lacking spunk I know from good authority to be untrue Carr has been nothing but a whining meddlesome nuisance to the Co. playing sick and shirking duty half the time. He tried for a furlough and tried for a Discharge tried to make a fool and succeeded He has done his best to injure me just because I was promoted over him - circulated a Petition in the Co. once to get my position from me, but let him rip So far I have said nothing and come out top. So I have no reason to complain. While I write our Batteries have been silencing a Rebel Battery just across the River which till this PM has been masked our fire is too hot for them and they have hauled off.

in haste Ransom

