Ransom W. Towle to Sister and Friends

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Head Qrs 4th Reg Vt. Vol. Whitehouse Landing Va.May 15th, 1862Dear Sister & friends all

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We the Army of the Potomac are here in camp probably to stop for a Day or two to rest up get our Supplies of fodder along and I think waiting for Banks and McDowell to come up to the ring We seem to be having a sort of Bear hunt, but I am afraid the Bear will escape before we can get a Good Ring formed. We are now within twenty five miles of Richmond and I suppose shall move on it in a few Days. We get authentic news of the Destruction of the Merrimac and the occupation of Norfolk by our Troops under Command of Lincoln in Person I should think this would tend to discourage the Rebels, as it deprives them of their principal reliance on water, and

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lets our Gunboats up the James River which will give them trouble in the direction of Richmond. It is the opinion of some that they will make a final stand at Richmond but I would quite as soon think they would fall back into the Gulf States and trust to hot weather and sickness to do what they cannot - exterminate us. Skirmishing goes on all the time between the Enemies Pickets and our advance lines and their treatment of those who fall into their hands justifies all the charges I ever heard brought against them for inhuman barbarity and cruelty. Out of respect for Mothers Nerves I will omit facts of Scenes that I have witnessed. Deserters and Negroes come in most every Day. They all agree that the Rebel Army are a good deal demoralized and discouraged – that the mass of their army knows nothing of what is going on Some of the Prisoners taken say they knew nothing of the Battle of Ft. Donelson or Ft. Pulaski and had been made to believe the fight at Pittsburg Landing a glorious victory for them. Even one Lieut. taken prisoner at the battle of Ft. Pulaski said that whatever our Success had been or might be, there was one place we never could take on being asked what it was, he said Island No. 10. They have no regularity of Dress but seem to wear what they can get Some of their haversacks found on the Battlefield at the Williamsburg were partly filled with raw wheat and corn Some contained bread and bacon. Most of the Guns they threw away in their flights were Springfield Guns yet many were Shot Guns and some of them flintlock. The portion of the field that the Vt 4th picked

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over we found 445 Guns how many on other portions I dont know. The weather here is warm as the middle of July in Vt. one man in Co K has died from Sunstroke Wheat is from fifteen to thirty inches high and looking well Corn is looking well and about the size for first hoeing in Vt. I have seen very little grass but we are now encamped in a clover field that is just heading out Prospect for Peaches and Apples good This is a fine Country and I should like a Plantation on the James Dont know when I can send this we get mails more readily than we can send them dont stop writing or sending the Flagg

Ever the same, Ransom

