Ransom W. Towle to Rufus and Sebra Towle

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Head Qrs. 4th Vt. Vol.In Camp Near Newport News April 3rd 1862Dear Parents

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Dear Parents Half past ten and my duties for the day are not done yet We got an order at Dress Parade that the Regiment would march at Daybreak for Richmond, and I have been very busy delivering cartridges to the men making arrangements for getting our Sick off to Hospital drawing Rations &c. The necessary artillery and cavalry that we have been waiting for has now arrived and we are now for an advance just what we have been wanting. I dont know as this will ever reach you

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letters from Soldiers have been Detained by Military Authority Whether it is the case now I dont know I have recd Letters from home to No. 18 and Papers occasionally. Write and direct as usual it is gratifying to hear from home if I cannot write you, but I shall send letters at every opportunity. One of those boots rather failed me and as I had no chance to get it mended and the boys were going to send a box to Rochester, thought I would send them if they wont fit anybody keep them till I come home if they will be of use, use them Today is very warm and June like Peaches are just getting in blossom and buds on early trees are begginning to open. We moved our Camp Today and are now on the Bank of the James River in Sight of a Rebel Flag and fortifications on the opposite side Today a Rebel Steamer came down the River and sent four shell over among us but did no harm They might have made hot work for us if they had followed up their advantage but the Bank is higher than the land back and they were not aware of our numbers But I must stop and get some rest

Ever the SameRansom

