John M. Stone to Family

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HamptonAug 28 – 62Dear Home

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Lydia & Fathers kind letters came to hand day before yesterday & were very thank fully received. I presume that you have received one or more from me since they were written although I can not quite remember when I last wrote. Glad to hear that all were well. I have been very buisey since we arrived here.

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Saw brother the day after I wrote you, he seemed quite well & said that he was so. I think that the ride did him good he seemed in good spirits he stayed with me over night & shiped with the brigade at about three the next day. I do not know where they have gone but hope to follow them in a few days, expected to have gone before this. I am glad to that Vermont is doing so well at furnishing troups in defence of the Union. I shall ever feel proud of her & of being a Green Mountain Boy. My health is the best that it has been since I left home I think.

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Solomon & I have been at work at the fort for several days back, load ing army waggons on to the boats, our men work well & some of them are noble fellows if they are black. We have several hundred of them in camp by themselves near here & they do a great deal of work. I send another check of thirty dollars which which father will please take care of as he thinks best & for my interest. Has Uncle H[arry] recovered yet. Are all the friend well, give my love to all of them. When does Marge return to school. Please write soon

Your in hasteJ. M. Stone
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Aug 30 All is well, the weather finer & a [new] freshening breeze from the east. How is Winslow these days tell him that if he wishes to come out here I think that I can procure him a place with pay from 35 to 50 dollars per month to work as foreman or as tally clerk he could mess with us. Has M had her watch fixed yet Tell father that if he will settle with Mr. Marsh I will pay him for his trouble. I do not know how much I owe him but father need not hesitate to pay him what he thinks right for I think that he is honist & will deal honistly with him. If you want any money to use for Marge take some of mine. Tell mother I want she showld rig so as to comforta ble as could weather comes on Mr Chandler say tha Jenny is a very fine horse, dont sell her till I come home.

Love to all
J.M. Stone

