Edward P. Stone to Family

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Tuesday Night Dec. 23’ 62Dear Home

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I have not heard from any of you for so long that I fear mother is worse or that some other one of you is sick. hope I shall hear from you tomor- row. I believe it is about a fortnight since I sent a Letter inclosing Maj. Halsey’s check for four hundred dollars, and I have written two or three times since, but perhaps the letters were kept back.

I [never] saw the men and officers so depressed

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before except at Harrison Landing, and for my own part I can not see anything human to en- courage them, but I wrote discouragingly enough in my last. I have done noth ing as yet in reference to leaving the regt. but pre- sume that I shall see [reason] to do so by and by. If I shd have a chance to speak for any other place all the other chaplains with Col. Whiting, who now commands the brigade, and Col. Grant at the 5th wd recommend me I believe, and so, I presume, wd Col Lord who is on his way to Han over. My health is rather better than when I last wrote. Tell the girls that indifferent apples are selling here at from 5 to ten cents a piece

Love to all.

I don’t know but Mr. Walton or Gen. Foster wd assist me to a place, but I don’t like to write to them myself.

