Edward P. Stone to John F. Stone

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Camp of 6th Vt. Regt near Harrison’s Landing, Jas River, Va.Aug 8, ‘62Dear Father,

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Please find inclosed to my credit Paymaster’s order on Vt. St. Treas. for two hundred and fifty dollars subject to your order. Are such papers cash- ed immediately at the banks? If so, the are very convenient besides, they cost nothing- no percent, I mean.

Another item of business - whenever you want the old and young greys again, or have an opportunity to dis- pose of them, you can take them at the same price I did or any other that you think right.

Another, My coat that Woolson made has

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arrived at the Landing though I have not seen it yet. I call at the express barge for it when I was last there but they told me it was not the hour for delivering. John will see to it.

He has taken the home letter writing upon him- self of late, and has doubtless mentioned the safe receipt of that good box from which I take a taste of home every day, and think of you and mother and Marge and Minny and Mary and Lydia and Charles . I did not ex- pect that Lydia and the rest would get supper for

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us away down here in Virginia.

John has told you how fast he is getting on, I sup- pose. For myself I am quite comfortably situated – mess with the hospital department, and our table is better furnished than it has been before since we were at Camp Griffin. My horse is tied with the others, and the boys help me take care of him. I have a sort of bench – two boards each a foot wide supported on four stakes, which, with two blan- kets, is as good a bed as I want. When John was at Baltimore he got me a trunk to keep my things in; the box you sent is my chair, and my bed is also writing table &c.

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but I may have to leave all these housekeeping con veniences behind me and con venience anew before long, as there are some indications of the Vt. troops moving soon. The brigade returned from a two days’ excurtion yester- day. I should regret most to leave the beautiful church where we have meeting that seem so much more like home. I preached there twice for the 2d & 6th last Sabbath besides assist ing at the service of the 3d and have attended a good many weekday meetings there. The brick of which it is built is said to have been brought from England, but there is nothing antiquated in the outside appearance and the inside is quite in modern style cuishon- ed and carpeted, and has an [Alexan- der] organ – the gift, I think, of Mrs. President Harrison. Some of our missing boys whom we had believed to be killed are among the exchanged prisoners, un- harmed. Has Willie Stimson come home or written home yet? Did his father get my letter?

Love to all, Edward

