Bradford Sparrow to ?

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P Bradford P Sparrow of Calais in the County of Washington and State of Vermont on oath say that my age is twenty two years and that I am the identical Bradford P. Sparrow who was enrolled as a private in Company H of the Fourth Regiment of Vermont Volunteers on the 17th day of July 1863 to serve for the period of three years and was discharged from the service of the United States at the McDougall General Hospital New York Harbor June 17th 1865 by reason of Surgeon's certificate of disability.

I further say that I was taken prisoner by the enemy on teh 23d day of June 1864 at the Weldon Rail Road near Petersburg Virginia, and taken to said Petersburg where I was kept two days and was sent form there to Richmond Va, where I was kept three or four days and from there was sent to the Rebel Prison at Andersonville Ga, and arrived there July 12th 1864 and remained in siad prison at said Andersonville until April 17th 1865 when I was sent to Baldwin Florida, at which place I was paroled on the 28th day of said April, and was delivered to the United States forces on the 29th day of said April, and on the same day was sent to the United States Hospital at Jacksonville Florida and remained there a few days when I was sent to the U.S. Hospital at Hilton Head S.C. and after remaining there a week or more was sent to said McDougall Hospital N.Y. Harbor and discharged as a fore said.

I further state that my health was very much impaired and was rendered unfit for duty.

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I make this application to recover three months extra pay allowed by law or some regulation of the war Department to prisoner of war, as I am informed, who now discharged by reason of disability contracted in rebel prisons, the same being unpaid.

I refer to my discharge now on fill in Vt Paymaster Generals office in Washington D.C. with my application for bounty under the act of July 28, 1866 equaling bounties.

My Post Office Address is Calais Washington County Vt.

Bradford P. Sparrow

