Bradford Sparrow to Father, Mother, and Brothers

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Parole HospitalJacksonville FloridaMay 4th 65Dear Father Mother & Brothers

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Again I am allowed to inform you of my whereabouts. It has been a long time since we corrisponded, but that could not be avoided for it has been my fate to be deprived since The 23d of last June the privilige of writing for which I feel verry sorry, but the most I think of now is whether you are all as well as when I last heard from you. I suppose you hav long wondered where I was, or if you new or imagined where I was you thought it strange that while so many were exchanged that I was not among them. So I suppose you hav been pilled with doubt & fear all the while about my being a live, but you see now that

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I hav lived through it though I hav had a hard seige of it for I hav been in the Rebel Bull Ten in Andersonvill, Ga. where yankee prisoners are kept. I suppose you hav heard of this place so I will not fill my sheet with a description, but I have got out of the Confederacy at last. My health is not verry good. I hav some cough & am weak & stiff with the scurvy, but the scurvy is easy cured all it wants is good living or more particularly plenty of vegetables I am thin in flesh but hav a good appetite & hav had enough to eat since I got into Gods country which was the 27th of April. I am so as to be out around but not well enough to stay at camp, all that can be done done for us is being

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3000 of us come in here quite unexpected, our folks knew nothing of our coming for we were not exchanged but paroled & passed in to the lines all the supplies her [] come from Hilton Head SC, so they can not do as well by us here as they could a round Washington the men hav most all got new clothes, the Sanitary Commision are doing its part this paper & envelope was given me by one of its agents, I expect they will do better by & be, how long we shall stay here I cannot tell, not long I hope. In a few week I hope I shall be at home & then I can tell you all a bout prison life. Great events have transpired of late, some for the good of the nation & some for the worse, since the surender of Lee I have been looking for peace, minute guns were fired here

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every half hour on one day the death of Lincon. I will write again as soon as I can or when get paper when you answer this direct to Parole Hospital, Jacksonville Florida, & in care of Dr Bundy, put in some paper & envelope. I will write more next time

TrulyB.P. Sparrow

