Bradford Sparrow to Parents and Brothers

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Letter No. 37Camp Near Coal ArborJune 8th 64Dear Parents & Brothers;

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It is with pleasure that I seat myself this morning to pen a few lines to you in answer to yours dated May 27th which I rec'd the day I wrote my last.

I am at in the hospital now. I left my Co. the day I wrote before, the sore on my heel the Dr. called an abcess. It is doing well now, it has matterated. I have not had my boot on since I left the Co. All the stamps you sent come safe except the last, you said you put in 1 but I guess you forgot to put it in. I happen to have 5 or 6 on hand tho, I think that the mail will be more regular about coming now, so that I shall get all that is sent in future

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I have lost but one paper, the one dated May 14th did not come.

I saw a man yesterday that belonged to the same Co that Jack. Dudley did he say that he wasis better than he was, he was sick when I saw him last. You write sad news from Rufus's, they must be very lonesome now.

I suppose that your summer school is about commencing now. I guess you will miss Irvin once in a while after he learns the way to the school house, has Eddie got his letter most finished. I wish the other boys would write a little. tell me how you get along, what you are doing on the farm, how the land works, & what the prospect is generally. you said that you had been to Elmore & that they were anxious to hear form me. I should like to know

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which if they thought any more of me that they did in march, if they do I wish they would do something to encourage a fellow a little while his is life is in danger to save theirs.

Our army holds the same positions that it did 3 days ago, there has been 3 men wounded & 1 killed in my Co this morning by one shell. we had 1 wounded day before yesterday by a bullet the wounded will all well with out any trouble, two fo them will probably get furloughs, the others stay with the Co. this is the first Iwe has lost since the battles of the wilderness. I dont think of anything more now so I must close, be of good cheer & all will be for the best I hope

Yours TrulyB.P. Sparrow

