Bradford Sparrow to Parents and Brothers

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Letter No 36Coah Arbor Va.June 5th/64Dear Parents & Brothers;

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I am again allowed the privilege of sending you or at least writing you another letters. I rec'd yours dated May 21st about a week ago. I was glad to hear that you were all well & had got one letter from me. I hope that you have got two more by this time. I suppose that you are anxious to hear from me every day & perhaps think that I might write oftener. It is not often that the mail goes out. I have been very fortunate so far. I have not got a scratch yet. My health never was so good as now, except that I am quite lame. I have got a sore gathering on my left heel on the back my ancle is swelled considereable & I have not wore my

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only part of the time for 3 days. I think it was caused by the heat one day when we marched up here. It has not been so that I could see the surgeon until to day, when I got this wrote I am going to get permision to go back to the hospital & see the surgeons. The rebs have got a strong position here, we have drove them some & fortified so that we can hold one ground, & are making it stronger every night, the report is that Grant is going to seige them out. I guess it is the only way, my Com. was on the front line yesterday. I should think that our breast works were about 50 rods form the enemys, plain sight of each other, we could see 2 or 3 of their battle flags, there was no fighting yesterday except skirmishing to day we are in the rear. I have heard that Wm Swift was

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not killed but wounded. A letter come to our Orderly & Seargant yesterday saying that Ira. Grout was in Davis Hospital Alexandria sick. I had a letter yesterday from Cousin Orlana, she said that you had been over there, when you see her tell her that I will answer when I can but it may be a good while first. She said that Lydia Ann was married, nothing strange I think. I have had no letters from Mass since I left camp. I think it strange they dont write it is Aunt Elisa's & Cousin Frances turn. I see by your last letter that you are looking for the end of this struggle to soon. I do not wish to discourage you but you may as well know the truth. News Paper reports are very flattering but they are false. If Richmond

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is taken in another month Grant will do a great thing & if he does it in 2 months he will do well. Infantry can do no harder fighting than they have done. Artillery has got to go in for a large share now, & some heavy seige guns at that. Coat Arbor is near the Chickahominy. I dont think of any thing more now so I must draw to a close.

I can say nothing more than I have to relieve anxiety, se we much trust in that power that rules all things.

From your Absent
Son & BrotherB.P. Sparrow

