Bradford Sparrow to Parents and Brothers

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Letter No 21Brandy Station Va.Feb. 12th/64Dear Parents & Brothers;

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Again I seat myself to aquaint you by means of pen & paper of my circumstances & health state of my health my health is good & Avery remains the same in camp as it did when I last wrote, there was a little excitement here the 5th a battle on the Rapidan three was an order to be ready to move at a moments to go notice with everything packed, soon another order came to take nothing but blankets & rations & to leave a guard on the camp & pickets to remain where they were I was an picket at the time, I could hear the roar of muskets plain,

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we were not needed & did not go none of this corps. I presume you have seen the account of the battle so I will not write I see to by the paper this morning that at the same time the the Johnnys I havingsJohnnys as we call them, were panic stricken in Richmond at Butters approach up the peninsula they are getting pretty well afraid of the big army that will head them this way by spring they talk of moving their Capital to Columbia S.C. I dont anticipate any very great campaign in Va.

The pay master is here today paying off the regiment this company's turn will come about night, we shall get 2 months pay, the government cheats the boys, 2 months pay

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was due the first of Jan. It will be due again first of March most 4 months due now, perhaps you think because I did not send home any money the last pay day that squandered, but it is not so I did not due to send it by mail & a small amount to send by express this time I shall send by express, you will be nearer the express office soon & it will not make so much difference, you was afraid I should get lead away by playing card. I have not played a dozen games since I left home sometimes I play on picket to passaway time when I have nothing to read two of the veterans from the 3rd have been over to see me, corp Harrington & W. Chandler John

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brought me the musk. I hear that Lu. Davis is fishing for a Lieutenancy in the 17th. I think Elmore has reason to be proud if herself after furnishing such officers as him & cap Grout they say the representative is very [] & think soldiers can work without pay.

I hope he will get his pocket drawed on some time, how many men has Elmore got to furnish this time, I suppose you have got my picture by this time, I have got the box as I wrote you one before I thought once I should lose it but we did not move, I am glad they think of paying us a bounty that will be quite start towards finishing our education you must thank Mrs Parker for me, for those berries or try are a nice present, I rec'd your letter dated Jan 31st Ira was quite generous with his victual & I have tried to be the same, I dont think of any thing more to write so I must close.

Yours TrulyB.P. Sparrow

