Bradford Sparrow to Friends

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Letters No. 11Camp Near Warrenton VaOct 30/63Dear Friends

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I have to take the humblest way to write this time, you will probably know the reason before you get this, why I write again so soon is to let you know how. I get along & about how sick am [] diarreah is a little better & not but a little. bsides that I have got what the Dr. calls Remitant Fever, this fever runs from 8 to 10 days. I came here monday to the hospital, it was on my then, now it is Friday, I have to lay bed most all the time, but can get up & work enough to wait on my self some. I have perfect confidence in the Dr. & I have first rate good care, the nurse is a nice fellow

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I have good comfortable quarters, a bed up off the ground. the Hospital has a fire place in it, it is the Regimental Hospital We have plenty of [] & some tea & coffee. We are expecting something better every day, just as soon as they get the cars running to us, get some flows, the Dr. promised us some [] there is 6 of us in here & all recruits, all got the fever but one 2 got the Typhoid fever, one is getting well the other is in the hardest ofit. I dont feel very sick when I get over it I dont think it will take long to recruit up again if the regt dont [] moving about & jagmont, I have made up my mind that I recd a [] of Shirts. I want some good stout woolen over shirts, dark colored cloth

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& I want a good piece of Castrel soap & a sponge to wash me with & 1 lb. of Green Tea to use in case of sick ness, that is something you cant get here I dont think of any more things I need to mention, but I presume there will be quite a number small articles yet when I think of them, if I have got anything down in this letter that I had in the other one it is something I had forgot. At second thought I dont know but I will [], in sending for envelopes by mail but let it go this time I can pay one postage. How [] those boots get on a making I am most sorry I did not have them lined for I am afraid they wont be warm enough. Mother; dont you go to working to hard on my thing for you will have plenty of time

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a little more about the shirts. I want them of good quality of cloth, when you make them put in a breast pocket in left side have the Pocket in the inside with pocket hope on outside, want them finished of round the collar bosom in good shape, that is stitch it a little I just recd your letter No 8 & Emmett put [] all safe & the stamps, you said the boots were ready & spoke about sending some things, I cant take care of much stuff until we go into winter quarter, but the Boots & Mittens I shall be glad of any time, you may sned them by Mr. Bishop if you have a chance. I am sorry to hear [] is sick. I will answer your letters when I am able

Yours TrulyB.P. Sparrow

