Ira A. Marshall to William Wirt Henry

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Perhams LandingVirginiaMay 13 1862Friend Henry

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I have neglected to write you before we left Yorktown because you could get all. the news by telagraph before you could get a letter from me we started from Yorktown and followed the Rebels to Williamsburgh and there they made a stand but our forces give them a good whiping which set them a runing to

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Richmond in double quick time and our cavelry have chased them up pretty close ever since and the infintry have kept close to the cavelry as possible we have taken two or three hundred prisners on the way besides some commisary stores we are now 17 miles from west Westpoint on the york river and about 20 miles Richmond we have made a halt here to day for what purpose 1 know not it has been reported that the Merimac has been blown up and our troops ocipy Norfolk and Seawells point and Burnsides is comind up on the other side of James river and our gun boats run up Jams river and McDowell coming in above Richmond we shall have them in bettween us and I should

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not wonder if we should have some pretty warm fighting before we got much further the prisners say that they are a going to make a stand at chickahommany creek about 12 miles this side of Richmond but I think Mclelan is able enough for the task the soldiers place implicit confidence his ability to lead them through to victory he says that when we take Richmond the Vermont troops may go home we lost about fifteen hundred killed and wounded at the Battle of Williamsburgh the fifth you did not answer my other letter therefore I hope you will answer this the boys are all well that are here Tilton Sleeper was left Back at williamsburgh in the hospitall he was pretty sick when we left there last Friday morning he may possibly be sent home along with the rest of the

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unless he gets better in a few days I am well and tough as ever I have not seen a sick day yet and I hope I shall not for I expect we shall be at home in a few weeks write as soon as you receive this and I will write again as soon as we get to Richmond

Direct to Fort monroe

Yours &cIra A. Marshall

