William Wirt Henry to Mary Jane Henry

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Head Qrs 10th Vt Camp on the WeldonR.R. Va. Dec 7th 1864My Darling wife

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Last night after dark we moved out and took the camp occupied by a Brigade of the fifth corps, and to day have been fixing up “winter quarters” again, but it is pretty hard to tell how long it will remain our quarters. The fifth Corps have gone off to the left of the line and we expect to hear from them tomorrow. Our Corps Head Qrs have not arrived yet so I can tell you nothing new in regard to my case. Ed came over last night and staid with me until this morning. He is looking finely and seems to like the business very well. George is in the Hospital at City Point, but I guess is not very sick. to day Wib Henry and Willie Hutchins

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called on me and took dinner. Wib is looking well, but Willie looks rather poorly. John Jerome came over last night so you see I have had a large number of visitors so quick. The 17th Vt is only about three miles from here towards the right. I hope to be able to write you something in regard to my case tomorrow, but perhaps cannot for a week yet, these military matters are very uncertain. No news.

As everWilliam

