William Wirt Henry to Mary Jane Henry

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Head Qr 10th Vt “Camp Russell”near Kernstown Va. Nov 30th 1864My blessed darling wife

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Yours of the 13th and 23rd came to day and is the only mail we have had in the last ten days, (or chance to send one) First I must tell you for I know you will be glad to hear it I have sent in my resignation on Surgeons certificate, and it has passed Division Hd. qrs. and now only has to pass “Corps” hd. qrs. and I am discharged. Then I have to go to Washington and be “ mustered out” which will take until some time in next week if my papers are the usual time at Corps Hd. qrs. This morning I preferred charges against Lt Col Chandler and probably the trial will come on tomorrow or next day and I think there is no doubt but he will be dismissed the service – so that will make that case all right with the Regiment. The officers refused to let me go until this was done. Now about your meeting me

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in New York, and Charley with you. If you can do so as well as not I wish to have you both come, and if any thing should happen so you could not come if Charley and Ella want to come, or if you like to bring Ella along if you come you can do so and I will pay the expense – do about it all just as will please you and it will please me. You want to engage a passage on waggon belonging to the baggage agent that comes around in the cars just before you get to the city. Stop at the Astor House That will be my Hotel. I will telegraph you from Washington what day I will be in New York and you will have plenty of time to get there as soon as I do, and after I telegraph you if anything should happen so none of you could come telegraph me so at the “Astor House N.Y.”. Now I believe this is all clear. I do not expect to leave here before next Monday,

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can get to Washington Monday night and I do not expect to get mustered out before Wednesday night at least. I might see my way clear and telegraph you to start Wednesday night but probably not before Thursday night. You need not write any more letters until you hear from me again. Capt Hunt has also resigned and will go with me. His commission as Major but the regt. is to small to muster him in. Lt Davis is Capt of Co “D” and Lt Perham Capt of Co “H”.

No war news.

Will write at once if I wish to make any different arrangements

As everWilliam

