William Wirt Henry to Mary Jane Henry

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Head Quarters 17 Vt Infantry Camp in the Fieldnear Pegram House VaNov 19 1864Dear Sister Mary Jane

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Having nothing especial to do this dark rainy night, I will spend a few moments in writing you – hoping that I shall have better success in getting an Answer than I have had with your worthy Husband. We are very pleasantly situated in A fine open Country on the extreme left of the line - our line of Brest works are only about 100 rods from the Rebel lines our Picket line is only about 15 rods from the Rebel Picket but as there is no Picket firing we have quite an easy time. The Pickets talk with each other exchange papers &c. one of the Rebel Pickets asked me how we in Vt liked Mosbys raid into St. Albans. George Wib Henry & all of the Waterbury Boys are well & seem to be enjoying life as well can be expected in this Barren Country. Will Hutchins is living with me. We have big times in Co. K. The Boys all feel well and if any

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Company gets any favour from Col Randall it is Co. K. I saw Capt Sheldon (formerly of the 10th) last Sunday. he is Commissary for A Coulord Brigade, encamped only about A mile from us. he was over to see me to day. He enquired about you & William he thinks there is nobody like Col Henry he says he is sorry that he left the 10th I have heard that Capt Thompson was killed but have not heard any of the paticulors “Write me in regard to it”. What do you hear from the Col is he prospering. Tell him when you next write that if he ever expects to hear from me again, he must answer my letters. I have written him twice since We came here – but I suppose he has as much as he can do to Answer all of you letters. We have not got many Officers in the 17th & it makes it quite hard for what Officers that are here. the next day after We got here I was put in command of two Companies H & C. & I they still keep me in command & as Co “C” is the Coulor Company it is quite A responsible position for me

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knowing as little as I do about Military Service. my health was never better & I guess I can stand it. has Dealia gone Home yet it seems quite hard for Mother to be left alone I hope you will all of you visit her often. she will be entirely alone when Dealia takes little Sibbie away and she will be very lonesome. leaving Mother as I did is the only thing that makes me regret enlisting. We got orders to day for six days Rations which indicates A move. but We all think that the 17th will be left here for our Regt is ordered for Picket tomorrow but we can not tell. Genl Grant does not tell all of his 2nd Lieuts what he is going to do. We have learned to take things as they come & not to have any anticipation ahead. if We surmise anything it is always wrong. I do not suppose you will find any thing in this letter that will interest you – but you must answer it for you know that all home news are interesting. Enclosed you will find my Photograph. how do you like it. direct to Co K 17 Vt Regt 2nd Brigade 2nd Div. 9 Army Corps. Washington D.C.

Yours Truly J E Henry

P. S. send me some Vt papers no matter how old they are they will be new to us. “Ed”

