William Wirt Henry to Mary Jane Henry

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Head Qrs 10th VtCamp near “Kinstown” Va. Nov 14th 1864My Darling wife

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I did not get an opportunity to put in just “one little word” in the last mail as we were very busy moving camp. We have moved back from Cedar Creek about ten miles and now are within 4 miles of Winchester. We are camped in a nice peice of woods, have built a Fort and “rifle pit” and things look now like a “winter camp” provided the “Johnnies” let us alone. They came down the day after we got here and

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tried to scare us a little and the picket had a lively little little time for a while, but at dark they fell back and next day our cavalry went after them and took two Guns, ammunition train, and one hundred and fifty prisoners. All is quiet again.

We found a Brick Kiln close by here and all of us are sitting beside a good fire in a good brick fire place.

I got a letter from the Chaplain to day and he excused himself and wife for not going to see you by saying “it rained all the time and his wife dare not ride out”

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but says they are going up that way again in a few days and then will call on you sure. I recd. your good long letter with account of Capt. Thompsons funeral also a friendly little note from “sister Katie” by last mail. I was very glad to hear they did the Captain so much honor – he deserved it. I read most of your letter to the officers and all said “that is good” The Chaplain wants to come back again so quick. I think if I was out of the service as nicely as he is I should be contented to remain quiet a little longer than he has. I cannot say

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anything new about my leaving the service at present. I want to wait until we go into winter quarters sure, and see if Lt Col C. will not get sick and want to leave. The boys will make a big fuss if I go and leave the command in his hands – but I will let you know how things look from time to time. Tell Mother Beebe I will come as soon as I can consistently and honorably. Give my respects to all

As everWilliam

