William Wirt Henry to Mary Jane Henry

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Martinsburg Va.Nov 2nd 1864My Darling wife

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I sent you yesterday by express five hundred dollars with a few words enclosed, and to day I am resting so write you again. I was detailed with one thousand men to escort the supply train to this place and come through all right. I had 16 paymasters that had been to the front paying off the 8th 19th and Cavalry Corps. I was a little acquainted with one of them and when we got here he offered to pay me for Sept and Oct. and I took it, so you see it is a good thing to have friends for the Regiment will not be paid off again until after the first of Jany. I sold a horse that I picked up so was able to send

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you a little extra this time. You will see that it is all on interest so all you have got to do is to give it to Dewey for safe keeping. You must be about able by this time to figure up your ten thousand cant you? Oh darling how I wish I could sit beside you up in your warm little room this morning and hear you cipher it all out just how much we were worth. Capt Hunt and myself have got a very good room here at Mrs Browns where I make my Head Quarters I have to start out again with the train on the morning of the 5th The boys are all having a grand time. Martinsburg is as large a town as Burlington, and the boys can buy anything they want with the exception of Whiskey. I am feeling somewhat better than I did, but am not

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very tough yet. If I should get to feeling pretty good I may not resign before the middle of the winter, but it will depend then on what kind of a place they give us for winter quarters. There has been some talk that we would be sent to Washington this winter but I do not take stock in that story. I believe this Army will stop here in this valley all winter. We do not expect to have another fight here this fall the “rebs” can hardly get ready for one before the rainy season sets in for they have got to send to Richmond for Cannon before they can do anything. Oh you blessed one come to get away from the noise and bustle of camp live in a House, sleep on a good feather bed, and see good looking women around, it makes me think of you and my own

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good home, and long for them. How I do want a letter from you. Why it seems an awful long time since I heard from you. We never had worse mail arrangements than now – but I expect to get a whole hatfull of letters when we get up to camp for I am going to take up a large mail. There is a little girl here about as large as my little pet Mollie and I can hardly keep my hands off here. I want to kiss her so – wont my little Mollie get squeezed when I get home? And little “General” to. Give my love to Ella Mother and all. Why dont Delia write me a line? do write often – be a good girl.

As everWilliam

