William Wirt Henry to Mary Jane Henry

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Camp near Middleton Va.SaturdayOct 22d 1864My Darling wife

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We are having a chance to send letters now every day, as we are sending off the wounded. Our loss has been quite severe in this last great battle of the valley but I will not attempt to give you many particulars of the fight as you will get them all in the papers. I lost some of my best men. I forgot to mention in my last that Ike Godfrey was wounded of Co B but not seriously – has gone to Hospital with Charley Crossett. Co B also had Sergt. Foster of Moretown

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killed a brother of the little drummer boy of Co B. He was one of my best Sergeants, but Capt Thompson and Billy Mahoney I find are my great loss The Captains body will not get home before the last of the week (next) We had reason to thank God for my safe deliverance for it was really wonderful. Col Wells took dinner with me yesterday and was feeling tip top as he had just come from Army head quarters where he had been to deliver over to the General the Flags his Brigade captured. He could be

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a Brigadier now very easy if he would put in for it, but he is so modest I am afraid he will not try. About your coming out, I have to say confiden -tially that you better not make very many calculations upon it for if I do not feel better soon I shall try what virtue there is in a Surgeons certificate to get me out of the service. I am sure I do not want to fight any more battles. To tell the truth I have not been well at all since I come back. I am bilious yet my food does not set well on my stomach and I am

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troubled yet with Diarrhea besides I have taken cold and have something of a cough, and on the whole I believe I am not much of a fellow anyway. What do you say to that? I guess about the middle of Nov. I shall be satisfied with what I have done for my country and can afford to rest on my laurels, then if I get home I am going to rest a winter and see if I cannot get fat again I guess I am a little blue to day, it is a cold windy day and makes me think of you and the comforts of a good home

As ever William

