William Wirt Henry to Mary Jane Henry

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Camp in the field nearFront Royal Va. Oct 12th 1864My blessed one

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Your precious long letter written the night after the Majors funeral was received this evening and is the second one I have recd. since I left you. I do not believe any one that was not present can appreciate just what an awful time it must have been in Waterbury on the occasion of the Majors funeral. I can realize it all for I had something to do with the body before it got to you. I am glad to hear they all honored him and the tenth Vermont so much, for both he and they deserved it all and none could speak for us better than Mr Parker, God bless him. Darling you have written me such a good blessed letter that I am not going to try to answer it tonight

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but am going to keep it and read it over again and answer again by next mail. I found the Regiment all right at Harrisonburg and from the way in which the boys cheered and the band played I judged the boys were glad to see me back again. We come back down the valley again and I was Corps officer of the day and had charge of the whole sixth Corps and rode nearly a whole day with Genl. Ricketts who seemed glad to see me back as any one. Lt Col Chandler is back again, but so far is very decent for him. We came here yesterday and the talk is now that we are to remain in this vicinity for a few days will write again by next mail. The boy is after the mail now and must colose. All our boys first rate as well as myself. Love to all

As ever William

