William Wirt Henry to Mary Jane Henry

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Head Qrs 10th Vt Harrisonburgh Va. Oct 2d 64My Dear wife

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I arrived here and joined the Regiment last night all right. I find the boys all feeling tip top. The Chaplain went up with me from Winchester. They gave me three cheers and all seemed glad to see me back again. All feel very sad to think of Maj Dill’s awful death. You know how glad I was to shake Capt Thompson by the hand and find he was all right and not a scratch. Surgeon Child came to see me to day and asked my pardon for all he had ever said or done against me, and talked the worst I ever heard any one talk against Chandler – says he has not got a friend in the Regiment. All this as you know is very satisfactory to me. I never saw the Army feeling better and never had more friends here than now. I will write every opportunity I have to send.

As everWilliam

