William Wirt Henry to Mary Jane Henry

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10th Vermont Infantry VolsCamp at Clifton Farms Va.September 14th/64Dear Colonel

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I arrived from the Hospital at Anapolis and joined the Regiment at Charlestown on the 28th of August nearly well and found that you was absent sick and since have learned that you was dangerously sick in Vermont and hope this will find you better.

The Boys are well comparatively very few cases of sickness as far as I can learn. Corporal Foster has returned but not fit for duty, Sergt Dana arrived on Sunday not looking any better than when he left, Capt. Barber is on court martial as usual and I am Chief cook and all hands. We have Battallion Drill from 9 to 11 in the morning and from 2 to 4 in the afternoon Squad Drill. it does not look as if we were going to have much to do in this valley and think it would please me The 2d Division are out on a reconnaisance and are having some fighting but have not heard anything from it I left Lieut Bogue at Anapolis comfortable

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sick the Major is well and Capt Jane also

Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant DanDear Colonel

I will write a word as Lieut Foster is through We are all well and feeling gay We are near the place that you formed us twice I think. The same Man Emerson still commands the Briggade we received notice officially last Sunday that He would assisted by his Staff visit the camp, and the display was Big on [n]ice fine red sashes and all of those things. We get along nicely old Dan looks quite sad. I hope you will join us soon

Very Respectfully
Your Obt. Servant Capt. Henry H. Dewey

