William Wirt Henry to Mary Jane Henry

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Head Quarters 10th VtCamp at Relay House Md.July 11th 1864My Darling wife

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Again I have passed through a severe battle and again God has spared me. I passed through unhurt this time. None of the Waterbury boys were hit. Maj Dill did nobly and is all right. Also Lt Thompson. For my good conduct during the fight I was detailed by Genl. Ricketts to take command of this position which is the most important one from Baltimore to Washington and was allowed to take my own Regiment and the 67 Pen. while I find about 600 troops already here all of which I have command of so you see I am commanding a Brigade and am quite a Brigadier In the fight I lost about fifty killed and wounded and some prisoners cannot tell yet how many Sergt. Peabody was mortally wounded

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he could not live four hours – he is the only one now I can think of that you know in our Regt. none of the officers were hit while the 14th N.J. lost most all of their officers Therons cousin Capt Chamberlin of the 106 N.York was mortally wounded. They also lost very heavy in officers and men. I send you a morning paper with most of the particulars. The Rebs had more than three to our one and although we fought well they were to many for us and we had to fall. Will write more particulars during the day this is early in the morning and am very busy.

As everWilliam

