William Wirt Henry to Mary Jane Henry

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Head Quarters 10th Vt Vols Camp near Culpeper Va.April 20th 1864My own true blessed darling Mary Jane

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Your exceedingly good long letter of the 13th 14th & 15th came to night and I have read it over with a great deal of satisfaction, for darling it does me good and satisfies me to hear you say that “now you know yourself better than ever you did before and that you know beyond a doubt that you can trust yourself. For my darling one I know you better than you know yourself if possible. And I do not believe you ever attempted to deceive me in the “least little particular” although I may not have let you know that I did know it.

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and darling wife I have known for a long time, that there might be such a combination of circumstances as would make you do that for which you would ever after be sorry for, and although I have always thought that some how, your “good angle” would watch over you and not let you go to far, still I was not entirely easy, for I know myself. I know that I have loved you truly and good all the time, yet I farther know that my love can be turned to hate very easy. And when once turned, you know very well, it never turns back, so I had cause to hope all might go right with you for it would ruin both of us to have it otherwise. So darling I say I am so glad to have you write me in such strong language that “you are sure now that you

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can trust yourself”. I knew all about men and women before we were married and well new the dangers that surrounded you. Well we will let the matter drop now and proceed to something else. Know I guess you have not got “Capt Frost on the brain” nothing only the first symptoms He is here in my tent about half the time and most of the time telling what a grand time he had in Waterbury and how sorry he was he did not see Katie. I thought is was so funny he did not see Father or Mother Beebe. He tells me all about everything but kissing you, he has not got round to that yet, but says “little Mollie” sent a good kiss to papa”, but I guess I shall laugh at him about it tonight and see what he has to say for himself.

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Well my darling one I am also so glad to hear you have made a visit to Mr Parker and that they are all right. “Katie is a darling girl” and I knew you would acknowledge it when you got over being “just a little jileaus” of her ha! ha! Yesterday we had a grand review of the “sixth Corps” by Genl Grant and I got a good look at him for the first time. I like his looks first rate and can assure you he is no humbug but a genuine good common sense man – that is my opinion. Col Jewett is still talking of resigning but nothing very definite yet. My big box come all right to day but have not received a word from any one yet about it or what it cost, but I tell you we will have a good feast on the Eggs sugar & Butter for the Sutlers have all gone and we had got almost down to “Hard tack” Lieut Thompson came this afternoon and is looking “tip top” I thought he would come, and sent “old Dun” down for him and sure enough there he was – wasn’t it lucky?

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Last night the Col and myself sent a recommend to the Gov. to commission Lt Stetson as Capt of Co “F” – Lieut Newton 1st Lieut Co “B” – Sergt. White 2nd Lt. Co “I” and Sergt Maj. Stiles to be 2nd Lt. Co “G” And now darling I know you will be pleased to hear the rest “Quartermaster Sergt. Charles Reynolds to be 1st Lt. and Regimental Quartermaster”. Aint that grand? – I expect Capt Platt will start for home about Tuesday He feels very good to think he is going home, but I should not for his discharge does not say “honorably discharge”. We have got a miserable camp. The big rains have made it awful muddy but we do not expect to remain here long so do not feel very bad over it No new Army news. Lt Stetson was talking with me to day about you, and

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praised you up very much. He thought you was “real good” and I told “yes you was”. I think they all liked you while here – how could they help it? you was so good Well darling wife, “taps” were beat some time since and the boy will be after the letters soon, so I must close – what a glorious priviledge it is to write to our “loved one’s” if we cannot see them. I will warm my feet take another good look at my darling wife, then crawl into bed and I hope dream of her; but blessed one how well you know, I should so much rather have my arm around your neck, with your head upon my faithful breast, than to dream of it. What glorious nights we did have while you were here did’nt we? I am getting bad off again so quick – you thought it would take me some time – well I think it will be some time before it will do me any good – and I hope then it will be with my darling wife.

good night from husband

