William Wirt Henry to Gov. J. Gregory Smith

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Head Quarters 10th VtCamp near Brandy Station Va.Feb 15th 1864My own dear wife

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Yours of the 12th came this evening. It was just as I expected, a streak of your old luck. Well darling I am sorry for you, for I know well how much you have anticipated in visiting me here in the Army – but undoubtedly we shall be able to see some time why you was not permitted to come. I wrote you last what I thought in regard to your coming and I so so hope you was able to start today (Monday) but confess I do not expect you will. I will get a new pass and send you and you perhaps can come back with Surgeon Clark who will start for home tomorrow on 15 days leave. I will have him write

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you so you will have plenty of time to let him know if you are coming with him. He will start from Montpelier. He says he will write or go and see you. I think you will get over the measles, and can find a good girl that you will not be afraid to leave the children with, and we will pay her wages and board. I cannot bear to give up having you come, for the rest are having such a good time, and I know you would enjoy it so much. Saturday I rode all the afternoon with Mr Parker – went to “Pony Mountain” where we could see lots of Rebel camps, and he enjoyed it very much. This evening he was here again and took ea with us. Had been over to the Vt Cavalry, and seen a big “cavalry Review” – two Divisions – He is coming over again to morrow night and sleep with me

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if you do not object! Dr Clark will take good care of you, and I guess you will just about want to go back with Mr Parker. The officers have all fallen in love with him. Now darling keep up good courage, and look out for your health and do not get sick – get a good girl at once so she will be getting used to the children, and help you take care of them. All will be well yet.

As everWilliam

