William Wirt Henry to Mary Jane Henry

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Head Quarters 10th VtFeb 12th 1864My Darling wife

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This afternoon I went to the Depot at “Brandy Station” to meet you. I will not say what a disapointment it was to stand there on the platform and eagerly watch one after another of the “officers wives” come out of the car, in the expectation that your own loved face would be the next, until I got up when I could speak with Mrs Capt Platt, when the first thing she says is “Col Henry it is to bad, your little girl had the Measles and your wife could not come.” It was to bad and I could cry now if it would do any good, but I felt all the time as though it was to good to be true, that you could actually make one of your pet schems for having a good time, prove successful

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Well this is evening, and I have made the best of my great disapointment and say patience, it must change sometime for I know you do not desire to be always in such bad luck. I can well imagine how bad you felt, and I expected I should get a letter from you to night telling all about it, but none came – probably it will come tomorrow night. Now the great question is, suppose Mollie gets better in a few days? Can you come yet? The pass will be good until it runs out, and it tells on the face of it when that will be, but it is a long lonesome tedious journey for a woman to make all alone – and I do not know of any one that is coming out very soon. If you dared to start alone, and could write me three days before you started just what day you would be in Washington, I could get 48 hours remember to stop at the National Hotel in Washington and if you had to stop in N.Y. the “Howard Hotel” or House

