William Wirt Henry to Mary Jane Henry

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Camp near Brandy Station Va. Jany 12th 1864My good darling wife

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You see I am here in camp again safe and sound. I came out from Washington Sunday with Col Jewett. I wrote you from Washington and sent a check for my pay which I hope you have recd before this. You better let Uncle Heman have the $100- and take his note. put two hundred in 5-20’s unless there is going to be an assessment soon on the “Washington House” (Ben can tell you all about that) and keep the odd change for board Johnny has built me the best “Log Cabin” in camp – got a floor, and nice brick fireplace and a good bed, and all is comfortable and very nice. The Regt. officers and men all give me a very cordial greeting on my return – the Chaplain fairly hugged me. Dr Rutherford has not returned yet. Dr Child is here with his wife. Mrs Capt Dammon is also in

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camp, but I have not seen her yet. they are not having much of a time for it is very disagreeable weather. the Patomac river is frozen over. there is about four inches of snow here, but in camp and on the roads it is all wore off, and during the middle of the day it thaws just enough to make it very muddy, and bad getting about. the ground is frozen nearly a foot deep. it onley thaws a little on top.

As for Army news, I have not heard a word yet worth writing. All are trying their best to spend the time as pleasantly as possible but they do not succeed very well.

It comes a little hard for me to come down to camp fare again so soon and have to sleep with Johnny in a tent when I have just been having such a grand good time for the last forty days at home, but guess I shall get used to it in a few days again. Johnny was very much pleased with his presents thought “Grandma Beebe” “must be a very nice old lady to mark his ‘Hdkfs so nice”

You must write often. As ever your affectionate husbandWilliam

