William Wirt Henry to Mary Jane Henry
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Again we have made a grand advance towards the Rappahannock. Yesterday we broke
camp at Catletts and came down here. The Cars were running this side of
Catletts, and I suppose we are sent on before to clear off the old track, and
prepare and guard the new. we have two hundred men at work on the road from our
Regt. Most of the "Rebs" are on the other side of the river, all is quiet along
our lines. It is raining to day and mud will be awful by
tomorrow, and probally we shall not advance much farther, this fall. I expect
however the place is to winter on the Rappahannock which is about eight miles
from here. Some think the enemy will give us battle on the river, but I dont
believe they will. I was very glad to hear from Delia, but it would not be
prudent for
me to write her from here, but you write her at once, and tell her that we have not forgotten her by any
means, and are anxiously awaiting the end of this fratricidal war, when we can
take them all by the hand again and be, as we always should be good Brothers &
Sisters. You can write her a good letter, and I will write her another when I
get home. You may be sure I will be with you at Thanksgiving if it is a possible
thing. Martha hadnt better put on meany “airs” for she’s got nothing to brag of.
You had noting to fear for I used her like a lady when I
saw her in Washington. I saw Ed at Culpeper and he was very
friendly. I should like very much to see Lt Col Dill. but presume he
will be gone before I can get home. Am glad Ed. gave you a good
kiss, for that would do you some good, but
darling what a hugging you will get when I get my long
arms around you again, which will be soon. Our boys all tip top. me ditto
As Ever William