William Wirt Henry to Mary Jane Henry

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Head Quarters 10th Vt Camp near Catletts Station Va. Oct 28th 1863My Darling wife

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I have just got in off Picket having been on as "Div officer of the Day for two days. I asked Genl. Morris what they kept me on two days for and he said, laughing, "we felt so safe when you had charge of the picket line". I didnt quite see the joke. I told him I was going to make an application to the War Department to do the Picket duty of the 3rd Div. by the season. he smiled. Well I am tired and sleepy and cannot write you much to night, only I am well and all of our boys. There is no very big Army news now. I learned at Head Quarters to day that our scouts could find no enemy but scouts this side of the Rappahannock during the last two days we were in a fever, for we heard the enemy had crossed

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the river again and were advancing on us, but we learned last night that they were only after Rail Road Iron, and after loading all they could carry, went back. Genl. Carr told me that my pickets would be attacked certain night before last, and I had my men under arms and lay behind some logs waiting for them all night long and almost frooze (for it was so cold there was ice on the water in the morning) but no "Reb" came, and I was glad they did’nt for somebody would have got hurt undoubtedly. We are fixing up the R.R. again, the Cars almost run here now. All is going on finely. it will be November soon, and I shall try for home then. Oh! how I do want to go, but a soldier I suppose should not say so Capt Dill. is detailed on Genl. Morris staff Genl. French said today that the 10th Vt was the best Regt. in his Corps, was’nt that a big compliment?

Good night darling As Ever William

