William Wirt Henry to Mary Jane Henry

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Thursday night Oct 20th 1863 My Darling wife,

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Your letter of the 16th was received a few moments ago and read by the light of the "camp fire". I expected you was in trouble about me long before this, and wrote you just as soon as we arrived at "Bull Run" which I suppose you have got before now very likely. Last night we were ordered to march, and took our back track and last night camped near "Manassas Junction". This morning we took up the march again, and passed through Greenwich again, and tonight we are camped about two miles or near Warrenton The Enemy as far as I can learn have fallen back across the Rapahannock river. The battle at "Bristow Station" the other day was more of a battle than we thought for at the time. we marched

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over the ground. I counted 18 dead horses on one acre. The rebs lost about 4 hundred killed, 800 wounded, 500 prisoners and 5 cannon. I expect we are going in the vicinity of Warrenton to camp again for a few days. The boys are all well and feeling tip top. I will write a letter just as soon as I can get an opportunity. I write this by the "camp fire" as the mail is going out tonight. Keep up good courage darling all will be well.

As Ever William

