William Wirt Henry to John Henry

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Head Quarters 10th Vt Camp near Bealton Va.Monday Sept 14th, 1863 My blessed darling wife,

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I did not have a chance to write you my usual "Sunday letter" yesterday, for Saturday Lt Col Hall of the 14th N.Y. Regt. was ordered to take command of the Brigade, as he ranked me, and Saturday night, late, I received an order detailing me as "Div officer day" again!- was’nt it funny that it should just happen so? for I believe I have been on every Sunday since we have been in this camp. Well I got through all safe and sound, although I expected a

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little brush, for our troops crossed over down below here a little, and were fighting from ten in the morning until dark. I have not heard yet what the result was. Aint it strange that we can be here and listen all day long to the booming of the Cannon and know that a big fight is going on and yet feel so indeferent about it, and in fact not know the result or what it means until we read it in Baltimore or N. York papers. The paymaster is here again and will pay us off tomorrow so you may look out for a "draft" in the next letter. I guess I shall be able to send you all you ask for

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to make up the two thousand This has been a very good years work aint it? I hope we shall enjoy the good of it some time. You know I will come home just as soon as there is any kind of a chance, but there will be no show as long as I am so well until Col Jewett gets back, and some how I begin to think he doesnt mean to come back, or perhaps he is going to wait until the fall rains to set in so there will be no more fighting and then come back to command the Regt. during the winter. All this last long hard march which he was with us, every time it looked a "little squally" or like a fight, or there was any

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hard work to be done, he was sure to be sick with bowel complaint and I had the work to do, but this is a delicate subject and darling one between you and I. really I should think you might coax John to take a little less for his Horse just to please you, as he is such a good saddle horse. I am glad you keep up riding will write in next about money. All are well. Justin has come back and I gave him a good talking too, and agreed to try him "once more". he is doing tip top now, hope it will last. Jack Hubbard a little down, but not bad. Regt. healthy, myself ditto Johnny brot your letter down on Picket to me. it was awful good. but oh! how it made me want to see you.

As ever William.

