William Wirt Henry to Mary Jane Henry

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Camp near Bealton Va. Sunday Aug 23rd 1863My Darling one

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You will have to excuse me if I do not write you a very long "Sunday letter" to day for I have just got settled down after riding most all day for Capt Ed. His papers did not get around and we saw every day that he was growing worse, and would not live much longer here, and this morning with Surgeon Child I went over to Genl, French's Head Quarters to see what was the trouble with his papers. As near as we could find out they had gone to the Head Quarters Army of the Potomac and had got lost, so we came back home and I went to work to rush some papers through, and you know when I set out, I generally go through. I have just got back from Head Quarters with the pass and if ever you saw a man glad it is the Capt. He is going to leave camp this eve.

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and go to Warrenton junct. and will get home about Wednesday, if he is able to ride without resting. I will send this by him. "Nick" goes with him to take care of him. If you go and see him he will tell you all the news about us here, which you better do as soon as you hear he is home. I recd a good long letter from you by last mail. also three more of the old ones written while we were up in Maryland also the long lost letter of sister Katie. tell her I will answer hers in a day or two as soon as I have spare time. They are working me pretty hard now so many officers are sick. Yesterday I was in command of the Brigade as the highest ranking officer and had to leave the Regt. in command of the seventh ranking Capt. so you can see by that there is considerable sickness down here now. I will get time in a day or two to write you again.

in haste As Ever Your Affectionate
husband William.

